Modern life can force us into various postures or activities for which the body is more or less well adapted, such as sitting in front of a computer all day. This can lead to a certain fixation in an inappropriate posture, such as thoracic kyphosis and, more severely, thoracic dorsal hypercyphosis. If your body is slightly fixed in a dorsal hypercyphosis, this will have its share of consequences for your physical comfort and general health.
-Dorsal hypercyphosis cause's head projection.
-Dorsal hypercyphosis causes the internal rotation of the shoulders.
-Compensatory hyperlordosis.
-Short, jerky breathing.
There is an impressive number of possible musculoskeletal malformations. Massage therapy has no impact on the cause itself. Treatment of this structural abnormality therefore aims at relieving symptoms and, when possible, restoring secondary problems.
Scoliosis is characterized by an S- or C-shaped deformity of the spine. The amplitude of the deformation is proportional to the angle of the curve and can be quantified using instruments. There are several types of scoliosis: congenital, neuromuscular, and idiopathic.
Symptoms of scoliosis may include:
-One shoulder blade that looks more prominent than the other.
Uneven size.
-One hip higher than the other.
-One side of the chest is projected forward.
-Protrusion on one side of the back when you lean forward.
There is an impressive number of possible musculoskeletal malformations. Massage therapy has no impact on the cause itself. Treatment of this structural abnormality therefore aims at relieving symptoms and, when possible, restoring secondary problems.